Why imagination is key to turning the mid-life 'meh-ness' into magic.
When we feel that life has lost its sparkle it’s time to rekindle our belief in magic: the sort that we can create for ourselves by reconnecting with who we really are and getting intentional about designing our life to bring the joy, delight and wonder that we seek.
7 Ways to switch-off from ‘work’ when your mind won’t let you!
Sometimes our busy brains and habits mean that even when we are trying and setting ourselves good intentions to switch-off from work so we can wholeheartedly enjoy and be present with our time ‘off’ we struggle. Here are 7 ways you can set yourself up for success.
There’s ONE thing that TRANSFORMED my wellbeing and fulfilment in life…
Understanding who we are, what makes us tick, what we need and desire, and then bringing those things into our life, ON PURPOSE is the way to #livingyourbestlife.