Why it’s good for our hearts and minds to press ‘pause’ with intention.
Giving ourselves permission to press pause, switch off the autopilot and take a few breaths can feel really tricky in the face of chronic busy-ness, and when we’re stuck on the merry-go-round of our life. BUT getting intentional about taking time to reflect in our daily lives, and to connect with who we are and what we truly want from life, is transformational. Here’s why it’s a good thing.
Midlife is the PERFECT time to reset, refresh and get rid of old habits - here’s why...
By the time we’ve reached the middle of life we have accumulated lots of ‘stuff’ including a stash of autopilot habits - some of which may no longer be useful or helpful for us. Here’s why mid-life is the perfect time to press pause, reset and refresh, and start introducing some new habits, on purpose!