Why imagination is key to turning the mid-life 'meh-ness' into magic.
When we feel that life has lost its sparkle it’s time to rekindle our belief in magic: the sort that we can create for ourselves by reconnecting with who we really are and getting intentional about designing our life to bring the joy, delight and wonder that we seek.
What Ticks (yes, TICKS!) Taught Me About Limiting Beliefs
Limiting Beliefs are often buried in our subconscious, can pop up unexpectedly, and can really get in the way of us living our best life (and they’re a lot like Ticks - another lesson from nature!!)
Midlife is the PERFECT time to reset, refresh and get rid of old habits - here’s why...
By the time we’ve reached the middle of life we have accumulated lots of ‘stuff’ including a stash of autopilot habits - some of which may no longer be useful or helpful for us. Here’s why mid-life is the perfect time to press pause, reset and refresh, and start introducing some new habits, on purpose!